Accredited for playground surfacing and determination of critical fall height to AS4422 Playground surfacing – Specifications, requirements and test method.
Sports Accredited Test Institute
Field Test Institute for AFL/CA, FIH, ITF, FIFA, FIBA WR
Years of experience on the testing and performance of synthetic sport surfaces.
Field Test Engineer
AFL/CA(Australian Football League and Cricket Australia) Laboratory -Product and Field Testing
FIH (Hockey) Laboratory- Product and Field Testing
ISSS International Association for Sport Surface Sciences
ITF (Tennis) One/Two Star Assessor
RoPIA3 Playground Inspector Comprehensive.
Address: C. de la Isla de Oza, 8, 28035 Madrid, Spain
Name: AcoustoScan Iberica
Phone number: +34 637 49 47 57
Head Office
Country: Australia
Name: Raul Bragado
Phone number: +34 637 49 47 57